Ebola Case Confirmed in New York

A New York doctor who recently returned from West Africa has tested positive for Ebola. This makes him the first Ebola case in New York. His name is Craig Spencer, 33 years old. He came back to New York on October 17, after treating patients with Ebola in Guinea. He began having Ebola-like symptoms, such as fever, pain, fatigue and nausea on Thursday. At the moment, he is isolated and being treated at New York’s Bellevue Hospital. Before presenting any of the Ebola symptoms, the doctor went on with his life normally. He jogged, went bowling, went to restaurants and traveled on the city’s public transportation system. Authorities say it is very unlikely that he spread the virus.

On Thursday, mayor Bill de Blasio declared: “We want to state at the outset there is no reason for New Yorkers to be alarmed”. Health officials reported that three people had been in close contact with Craig Spencer:  his fiancée and two closer friends. These three people are healthy, however they will be kept in quarantine and attentively monitored. People who did not have physical contact with Spencer are not under any risk. Dr.Mary Travis Bassett, the health commissioner for New York City said that Spencer left Africa on October 14, via Europe. He arrived on October 17 at John F.Kennedy Airport. During his flight he did not present any symptoms. After arriving in New York, Spencer visited a bowling alley, named The Gutter. Also, he traveled on three subway lines. The bowling alley is currently closed and authorities are checking his MetroCard to see exactly where else he went. Bassett declared: “At the time that the doctor was on the subway he did not have fever … he was not symptomatic”. Bassett, de Blasio and governor Cuomo met to discuss the matter of infestation via public transportation. Cuomo said: “We are as ready as one could be for this circumstance. We had the advantage of learning from the Dallas experience”. He was referring to the previous Ebola contamination in Texas, where two nurses got infected with Ebola after taking care of Thomas Eric Duncan. Bill de Blasio said: “Ebola is very difficult to contract. Being on the same subway car or living near someone with Ebola does not put anyone at risk”.

Craig Spencer has been isolated at the Bellevue Hospital. His apartment in Manhattan has been isolated. Bill de Blasio said that careful protocols were being followed, in order to properly handle the situation. On Spencer’s facebook page, there is a picture of him wearing protective gear. The Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, where Spencer works said that he was a dedicated humanitarian who wanted to help with the Ebola crisis. The hospital statement also said: “He is a committed and responsible physician who always puts his patients first. He has not been to work at our hospital and has not seen any patients at our hospital since his return from overseas”.