Al Pacino Meets Marvel Universe

Al Pacino is quite difficult to write about, because whenever you sit down trying to picture him in roles, it gives you goose bumps. And that happens because he is truly great and not only in terms of Michael Corleone, Scarface or Serpico, but in human terms as well and generations of both actors and audience stand proof of his grandeur. Who thought that his list of memorable roles had not drawn the line and that an affirmed actor like him would venture into the world of comic books? He is a declared Guardians of the Galaxy fan and he admitted that he had met with Marvel, after all.

Although MTV’s Happy Sad Confused most recently revealed Al Pacino as a potential Marvel actor, Deadline traced the news way back at the beginning of September at the Venice Film Festival. Then, he confessed that he had not only seen Guardians of the Galaxy, but also that he was massively impressed: “It was not something I would readily go see, but my kids got me to go, and one has to draw the line at where prejudice starts and where it ends — that was good stuff!” And then he continued: “I recognized the ingenious stuff they were doing; the invention, the attractiveness of the way they were performing it. It had Shakespearian feeling to it at times. I was caught up in the big screen, the great sound…” Well, if Pacino compares something to Shakespeare, that means A class, top notch, big game.

On a more recent note and during Josh Horowitz’s MTV interview, Al Pacino brought the Marvel rumors to another level when confessed: ‘’I’m ready to go to Marvel!’’ In the video, he also remembered when and why he turned down the Han Solo role. That the Godfather met with Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige is no secret anymore, but the consequence of that encounter is yet unknown: “I would imagine either there’s something he feels is right for me, or…”.

What do you say? Would Al Pacino make a believable Mephisto, The Ancient One, The Grandmaster or…? If you feel disoriented, bear in mind that back in 1990, he became Big Boy Caprice in Dick Tracy and that it was an enthralling, fun and colorful role, applauded with an Oscar nomination.