Cicret bracelet could make smartphones obsolete

This nifty device called the Cicret bracelet is in the works and aims to change the way we use smartphones. The company behind this gadget seems determined to simplify and at the same time enhance our possibilities of connectivity beyond the ways we use them right now. Thus far, our smartphones are basically hardware boxes that seem somewhat limited by the physics they are confined within. The philosophy behind the Cicret bracelet could be that there’s the possibility that we could use a device that acts as a smartphone in every way but without the physical confinements that a smartphone has. That means no case, no housing and no screen.

As I mentioned, the Cicret is a bracelet that has a tiny projector built into the plastic wrist band. As the video suggests and boldly proclaims the Cicret bracelet is “like a tablet…but on your skin”. The device is activated by simply flicking the wrist and thus summoning an Android touchscreen type surface directly on the skin. Kind of like a watch that projects images on a surface that is your skin. As mentioned, the image appears courtesy of the built-in projector and the touch interface controlling the device comes from the eight proximity sensors placed along the wrist band.

As the French company behind this device suggests, the Cicret bracelet is meant to endure nearly any environment and has the potential to be used while biking, riding transit and even while taking a bath. I can’t help but state if the company could successfully pull this off I might actually have to consider getting myself one of these. As I heard it does come in black too. The possibility alone to feel like I’m James Bond with something like this on my wrist seems rewarding, but I guess it all boils down to the retail price. The Cicret bracelet is advertised to be available in both 16 GB and 32 GB variants and 10 different colors. There will also be a Cicret app in development that will accompany the device.

All this sounds good enough? Well, here lies the pickle. This bracelet doesn’t yet exist, not even in prototype version. According to Guillaume Pommier the co-founder of Paris-based Cicret, the said company and its four partners are trying to raise funds via PayPal to continue development, so any donation will do. The Cicret bracelet and the Cicret app are the scope to turn this project real. According to Cicret, 300,000 Euros are needed for the Cicret app to be developed and 700,000 Euros for the Cicret bracelet prototype. So if you would like this device to emerge feel free to donate via PayPal on Cicret. In the end, it’s up to all of us to determine whether it’s ok to give Cicret a chance to develop what they promise in the video or to see this as another advertisement full of hot air.