District 9 director is working on the next Aliens film?

Director Neill Blomkamp really did a fine job with District 9 or Elyssium and many fans and occasional viewers would agree after seeing them. I could praise District 9 for its technically brilliant and emotionally wrenching portrayal of the increasing loss of our own fleeting humanity. The whole time I watched the movie I never felt fooled or patronized in any way, instead it let me shamed and a bit shaken. I can’t say the same about the Alien saga which after the third film has faced a downhill ride and doesn’t seem to recover since. South-African Neil Blomkamp however, seems to be interested in saving the Alien franchise from its current state and I for one, I’m glad about it. Apparently, Blomkamp has been secretly working on an Alien movie of his own without any studio approval and I for one thank him for this initiative.

Blomkamp posted some concept art about what he was working on and I have to say this movie has to happen. I’m sure many of us would be interested to see some District 9 directing skills in rebooting the Alien franchise. Blomkamp envisions the next film taking place after the first Aliens but where the faulty and disappointing third film was never made, thus allowing Ellen Ripley and Dwayne Hicks working together again. I surely wouldn’t mind Sigourney Weaver and Michael Biehn teaming up again but I’m happy leaving the casting decisions to others. According to the District 9 director, his vision of Aliens would explore more the inside of the grossly manipulative Weyland Corporation and would have Ripley in a semi-organic Xenomorph suit. Kind of like the tech suit the prawns used in District 9. Do want!

Ellen Ripley in a Xenomorph suit is Blomkamp's vision

Ellen Ripley in a Xenomorph suit is Blomkamp’s vision. District 9 inspiration

It is not yet known if this is just Blomkamp’s mental stroll in combining his take on Ridley Scott’s Aliens universe with District 9 elements or a full-proof evidence of things that are to come. Blomkamp says it better on Instagram, and I agree but I hope he won’t abandon this concept and will improve upon it instead. One dare to hope. Maybe this was Blomkamp pitching an idea to the film studios in redeeming the third Aliens movie and giving us the sequel we deserved. But until such a project comes to light, Chappie is his up and coming film on March 6th about a giant robot that develops its own sentience, feelings and emotions. And by the looks of it is another movie gem as District 9 and Elyssium filled with haunting moral choices and themes about social status, one’s identity when confronted with extraordinary circumstances.