Samsung T1 – credit card sized storage space

Samsung already has a generous offer for external storage solutions but it seems that it’s never enough. Therefore, the Korean giant added to the said extensive collection its newest device, the T1. This nifty little external storage device is the size of a credit card and it has a capacity of 1 TB of storage space. This oversized USB flash drive finds itself in a serious position as it faces pretty tough competition coming from the cloud storage solutions, the latter being able to offer similar storage capabilities at lower prices. And many a time the customer is just what is looking for. To counteract this issue Samsung T1 has an ace up its sleeve, the high transfer speed specific to the SSD storage solutions. And these high SSD storage solutions which the T1 boasts are vastly superior to internet speeds, meaning that this Samsung storage device is just what the doctor ordered for fast and easy access to files and large data transfer in short amounts of time.

With the unveiling of this little storage device Samsung aims to become the top dog entering the external SSD market. The device is powered by Samsung’s proprietary 3D Vertical NAND (V-NAND) technology and according to Samsung the T1 can reach transfer speeds up to 450 MB/s for large files due to its USB 3.0 connection. Aimed at business professionals, content creators and power users that need to handle sensitive or important data the T1 offers AES-256 encryption support. The T1 drive comes with out-of-the box connectivity with OS X and Windows environments and has a 3-year warranty. The 53 x 71 x 9 device weights around 25 grams and as said earlier comes in different storage capacities at different prices (all pricey tough). The available capacities are 250 GB at $180, 500 GB at $300 and 1TB at $600. Some would argue that this pricey unit is not as portable as a USB stick but cooling a SSD unit in such a small form factor is rather difficult.