Hackaball Teaches Children Technological Creativity

Hackaball is the gadget any parent would love purchasing for his children and even for oneself, for that matter. With Hackaball, young ones will no longer spend the majority of their time in front of a computer playing games, instead of socializing and enjoying fresh air. And that is because the manufacturers of Hackaball thought of the gadget as a means to combat the dominion of video games upon the lives of young children – and yes, Hackaball is a mini-computer itself, which is manipulated with the aid of an app, but it also intends to teach children the first steps to programming.

Hackaball aims at children with age spanning from 6 to 10, but this does not mean that adults will have less fun discovering the tricks of the gadget. Hackaball has sensors incorporated, which detect motions like being dropped, kicked or shaken and then send a colorful message to make children see that it has detected the change. Children, on the other hand, can actually hack Hackaball with the aid of an iPad app. This is how Hackaball games are born; and although the gadget has a certain number of games incorporated, the trick is that children themselves can become game developers, by changing the setups of Hackaball. What is more, Hackaball also has a set of unlockable features which challenges children to fix broken games, thus the creative area of Hackaball being limitless.

Apart from being a fun-fun toy, Hackaball enables children to learn and practice their programming skills. Developing features to add to existent games and even creating a new game from scratch appeals to the user’s creative side of the brain, subtly opening paths to the technical and programming abilities. Oh, the playful gadget is not only an excuse to play and never learn, it also has practical uses like: it can be used to record one’s voice or even as an alarm to wake you up in the morning.