Pith.li Is the Perfect Digital Marker

Pith.li is the yellow marker of the digital era and anyone can have access to it easily. Remember the piles of books and papers and notes on your desk before an exam? And all the time you wasted underlining main ideas, writing commentaries about an important paragraph which were later on lost due to the amount of notes spread everywhere: on your desk, inside books, on the floor and even in the trash can. Now you can totally forget that studying chaos and focus your attention on Pith.li which has come to replace the traditional yellow marker.

According to Wired, Pith.li is an almost launched service and gives an example of the insight of one of its co-founders, Lev Detrez: ‘’We want to be your knowledge management system.’’ In order to make that happen, one must simply access the Pith.li’s website and then copy there any website URL. Next, your document becomes a manageable version like a laptop/ computer on-screen book page, where any word, line, quote o paragraph can be underlined with the aid of a digital marker, managed of course, by one’s cursor. Pith.li does not only give users the opportunity to underline important bits, but also to comment on controversial ones or write difficult questions which demand further research. In this way, instead of being lost, everything you find important in a read article or book page can be stashed until you need them as further reference.

When it comes to extra features, Pith.li does not offer much, because it does not intend to be more than what it actually is: a digital maker. This is not because Pith.li was poorly or shallowly built and Lev Detrez explains why: ‘’We rather make a product that is used to its full potential by 90% of its users, that to add a lot of extra bells and whistles to become a product that is only used for 50% of its potential.’’ And a great proof in that regard is that in order to enjoy the wonders of the digital marker, you do not even need to create an account.

That Pith.li may because a mini social network for ‘’marker addicts’’ is not far from the truth. In the future, Pith.li wishes to create different channels based on various topics. In this way, no matter what favorite topic or hobbies you have – be it politics, cinematography or sports – there will be a community waiting with the most important quotes and commentaries.