10 Things to Say to Yourself in the Morning

We all lose motivation from time to time, who doesn’t? After all we’re only human. Here are 10 things you can tell yourself to give you that extra push.

1. Tell yourself “Good morning!”

You gotta say it like you mean it! Say it with a smile.


Image source: urbangyal.com

2. Confidently say “You can do it!”

Because you can! Own it!


Image source: giphy.com

3. “Today’s gonna be better!”

A new day means you have another chance to do things differently, for the better.


Image source: wordpress.com

4. “Go workout!”

Healthy body, healthy mind. As simple as that!


Image source: giphy.com

5. “Just breathe”

We all deserve to take a break but not too much. Breathe…


Image source: inspiredwater.org