Healthy foods to fight off a hangover

It’s finally the weekend. You probably partied a little too hard last night, and now even blinking makes your headache worse. In this short article, you will be able to find out about some healthy foods which can fight off your after-party symptoms. Although student wisdom dictates that the best way to cure a hangover is by eating greasy foods, such as pizza or burgers, there is nothing more wrong! Take a few minutes and read about these foods which have scientific explanations for their beneficial effect.


Eggs are easily digested so they do not make your stomach work too much. They are also packed with proteins and cysteine. Cysteine can help with the fast disposal of excess toxins left from alcohol consumption. It’s best if you eat only egg whites in order to keep your cholesterol level normal. You can add a cup of vegetables and some light cheese on a toast. It’s a quick and simple way to gather your strength after a night out.


Coconut water is one of the most acclaimed hangover foods. Besides hydrating your body, it is also packed with potassium. Potassium is an essential nutrient which can make you gain energy in no time.


By eating tomato or chicken soup, during a hangover, not only do you hydrate your body, but you also provide enough potassium and sodium in your system to create normal levels of electrolytes. If you put salt into you soup, it will make you thirsty. You will be forced to consume water and hydrate yourself.


By consuming fruits under any form, solid or liquid, during a hangover, you naturally boost your energy level. The consumption of fruits during a hangover helps your body increase its rate of eliminating alcohol toxins. The fibers in fruits can also help with the quicker absorption of remaining alcohol. The levels of vitamins and nutrients in your body will quickly be restored. Alcohol is known to have a diuretic effect, so this will be very useful for your general energy level.


Green tea is an excellent hangover food because it is packed with antioxidants. Antioxidants maintain your cells and entire body healthy. A healthy liver can process alcohol better. If you feel nauseous, drink rosemary or lavender tea. This way your stomach will calm down faster.


We all know coffee is a famous hangover solution. The reason why we tend to feel better after consuming coffee is the fact that it actually dilates the blood vessels. If the blood vessels are dilated, the hangover headache goes away faster. After a long night out, make sure you do not drink your coffee black. By adding some light milk and some sugar, you will most likely not get any stomach pain afterwards.

Now that you know about these simple healthy foods which can cure your hangover, go out and have some fun. However, make sure all of these foods can easily be found in your house the morning after.