Health Benefits of Tofu, a dairy alternative

Tofu originated in the Chinese cuisine, more than 2000 years ago. It is derived from soya. The process consists in curdling soya milk and pressing it into a solid block, similar to the traditional dairy cheese process. After cooling it, tofu can be served in different recipes, it can be cooked in different ways changing its texture from smooth to crisp. Legend has it that it was discovered by accident by a Chinese cook who curled soy milk when adding nigari seaweed. Originally tofu was called “okabe” when it was introduced in Japan, around 1300 years ago and the name “tofu” came in use only 700 years later. It was later introduced in the Western nations and worldwide in 1960s.

Tofu contains all eight essential amino acids and is a good source of proteins. Also it has a lot of selenium, phosphorous, iron and calcium. Being a good source of magnesium, zinc, cooper and B1 vitamin. Tofu is believed to help the organism lower the bad cholesterol levels and contains phytoestrogens named isoflavones, which are a group of chemicals originally found in plants. They mimic the estrogen hormone, and bind to the receptor sites in cells, including the ones located in breast cells. Therefore tofu has a potential in reducing the risk of developing breast cancer. Many women choose foods rich in soya in their diet, after entering menopause when the estrogen production stops.

Tofu is usually purchased in refrigerated packages but it can also be bought in room temperature sealed containers. When opened, tofu needs to be rinsed and covered with water and always kept in a refrigerated container. In order for it to stay fresh up to a week, changing the water often is recommended. Because of its neutral taste, tofu can work with a wide range of foods. While firm tofu is good for baking, stir-fires or grilling, soft tofu goes best with desserts, shakes, sauces or salad dressings.

All in all, tofu is a healthy choice of food. It happens to be an excellent source of iron, calcium and amino acids. It is an ingredient which can easily be integrated in various dishes and luckily there are plenty recipe sources of inspiration online.